Ripples and Grooves

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My ninth grade teacher had moved me to the front row because I was disruptive and disrespectful in class. Unfortunately, I was like that in every class, but this teacher did something none of the others did… This teacher was busy creating Ripples and Grooves!

He pointed out my strengths! That caught me off guard, and to this day I can remember everything he said as if it was yesterday.  After one of my more disruptive outbreaks, I remember he told me in front of the class “Mr. Carcarey you are better than this. I can see the character and strength in you, and when you realize it you will move mountains”.

Most of the teachers, like many of us, point out the negative behavior only. We tend to focus on what’s wrong and then reinforce that bad behavior by continuing to speak it over the person.

That has not worked too well for me when I do this with my wife, children, peers, and employees. I think most of us know that focusing on what others are doing wrong and continuing to point out the negative DOES NOT HELP TO CHANGE PEOPLES BEHAVIOR!

This type of negative reinforcement only creates negative ripples that continue in the person and out into those around them. It also creates deeper Grooves in your brain so that it gets easier and easier to focus on and express the negative.

You can change this the same way my teacher did with me, by starting to focus on what is good in the person, business, family, or city. When you start focusing on the good it then creates positive life changing Ripples that never end, and you begin to develop new Grooves in your brain that works the same way as doing crunches for your core!

To help you create New Ripples and Grooves try the Thanks-Giving Challenge. Starting today choose ONE person and secretly write down one thing you are thankful for them each day and hand that list to them on Thanksgiving!

Here’s to creating New Ripples and New Grooves!



                                 Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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