Volume Cures Everything

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My first sales manager had the same answer to every challenge I faced while working for him. No matter what my complaint or excuse was he would tell me, “Volume Cures Everything!”

The first time it happened, I was frustrated because half of my sales clients had either canceled or had gone away over a 30 day period. This caused a lot of fear and depression especially since I was on full commission – you only get paid what you produce.

I sat in his office complaining about my clients and wondering how I was going to pay my bills when he said… “Ed, Volume Cures Everything!”

That’s it? That’s all you have for me? Volume Cures Everything? What the heck does that mean?

I assumed he was off his meds or just way too old to understand (he was at least 40)!

He shared those 3 words with me every time I complained about something. There were times I complained about losing a business, being in debt, dealing with relationship problems, health issues, fear, and anxiety.

It did not matter what I complained about his answer was always the same…”Volume Cures Everything!”

It took me many years to really understand what he truly meant. At first, I thought he just wanted me to go sell more so he could make more!!

Now that I am way too old, like my sales manager was, I get it!

When troubles come, and when life isn’t fair, you will have two choices to make:

1.    Give up and focus on the trouble. This will cause frustration, discontentment, and depression. You will know when this happens because you will start complaining, blaming, making excuses, rationalizing and gossiping.

2.    Get going and focus on the outcome. This will create motivation, confidence, and energy. You will know when this happens because you will be doing and creating new opportunities.

Volume Cures Everything was advice to get me back in the game focused on the results I wanted.

No matter how big your challenge is…Volume Cures Everything!

                                             Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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