Answer the Call

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I am fascinated by the Peters of this world. People who will answer the Call even though they are scared out of their minds, and everyone around them is telling them why they can’t do it!


Do you remember the story about Peter and the disciples, who were in a boat at sea, and Christ called out for Peter to leave the comfort and safety of the boat to walk on water?

There were 12 men in that boat, and only one answered the Call! I would bet the house that the other 11 tried to talk Peter out of doing it. They were telling him the same things our good intentioned family and friends tell us when Opportunity Calls.

They will say things like: you’re not ready, it’s too dangerous, no one has ever done it, you will fail, you do not have the skill sets or know how, you are too old, too young, or some other lame excuse as to why you can’t do it.

They focused on the waves, deepness of the water, the wind that no one had ever done it and every excuse why they can’t.

Peter was all of these excuses and some, but he still stood up and walked out of the safety, comfort, and company the boat provided. He focused on the Opportunity.

He walked on water! He failed and sank below the surface but was rescued.

Most people focus on the fact that he failed. I see someone who faced their fears, their good intention friends who tried to stop him, and answered the Call of Opportunity.

I don’t see failure I see unbelievable courage and success! He will never be the same because he did something that he and everyone else thought could not be done.

Opportunity will call on you a number of times in your life, and you have the choice to stay in your safe, comfortable boat with all your scared friends OR answer the Call!

Be warned if you Answer the Call you will NEVER be the same again. Regardless if you succeed or fail, you will be BETTER, Stronger, and Wiser. You might also find new company for your boat!


Opportunity is calling… Answer it!



                                 Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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