The Cowboy or the Cow

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John Wayne and James Stewart are my favorite western actors but I will watch any western if it’s on! Many of these westerns show the Cowboys branding Cows.

My question to you is: Are you the Cowboy/Girl or the Cow?

The Cowboy/Girl is busy Branding. They are working at building a large brand. Everything they do is centered on creating a bigger and better brand. They are proactive in their pursuit of branding and have a strategy on how they will get from where they are now to where they want to be. They are not satisfied with status quo and are willing to work their rear ends off and take risks to be successful.

The Cow has none of these concepts. They simply want to have an easy life, a safe and secure life. They are willing to be corralled, branded, fed and controlled in exchange for having a life of just enough. The Cow will never take risks, never step out of a comfort zone, and will blindly follow the one in front of it straight to the slaughter house!

How would the market place describe you? How would your peers, customers, employers and friends describe you? Are you the Cowboy/Girl or the Cow?

Do you actively work on growing your personal brand every day? Are you the Chief Marketer of your Brand…Me Inc? Do you have a plan for your attire, personality, skills, and passion to stand out and create a Rock Star Brand?

Or are you happy to just go where the road takes you as long as you don’t have to work too hard or take too many risks?

It’s time to be the John Wayne of your Brand and not the Cow that’s constantly being poked and prodded!


                                             Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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