Do it until you're Ruined!

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Giving was the first thing that ever ruined me. We were in deep debt without the resources to pay any of it off. My mentor told me I had to start giving. I thought he was smoking crack!

I knew how little we had and how we were barely able to get by each month so how in the world could we give? Like anything you don’t believe in, we started with a very small amount but stayed consistent with it.

Within 18 months we had paid off all our debts and bought our first home! I was ruined…Meaning there is no way to convince me that giving will not change your life dramatically. There is no argument or enough “facts” or stories of how others failed to convince me otherwise.

This principle of being ruined also worked on my job. I hated my work when I first started it almost thirty years ago. Every day was a struggle to get out of bed, to show up with the right attitude, and to have enough energy to make it through the day.

My first two years of working were really frustrating and depressing. It was just like being in debt and feeling like there was no hope of this ever changing!

For the last 28 years I have been working in the same job, but now I am ruined. You could not convince me otherwise. I have seen with my own eyes how it has changed lives, businesses, and the community.

I’ve also used the service I work for to turn around three distressed businesses we bought.

Today you could not share enough information with me to change my mind about what I am doing.

How strongly do you believe in what you are doing?

Have you been ruined to the point where you could never go back?

Do you believe in your job, product or service so deeply that it inspires people or do you ruin others by raining on their parade?

To become ruined study how your company, product or service has changed other people’s lives.  Read about it every day and most importantly make sure you are using it yourself.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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