Protect the Flag

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Have you ever played Paint Ball? I remember the first time we played and the object was to capture the enemy’s flag before they captured your flag

It was a blast. You had to decide who was on your team, come up with a strategy to capture the enemy flag and a strategy to protect your flag. Lastly, you had to go out and execute on those plans because protecting your flag was the most important part of the game.

Who is protecting your flag? Your flag is your mind, and it’s the most important part of your life!

This question is more important now than it has ever been! These last few months have divided people more than I can remember in my lifetime. Everyone is consuming the news, social media and all the nastiness that follows them.

We are being inundated on every side with opinions, insults, nasty remarks, and social media trolls hoping to inflame you. The question remains who is protecting your flag (mind)?

Do you have a strategy to protect yourself from this enemy? Have you chosen who you will surround yourself with? Do you have a plan on how you will execute these things?

Most of us do not have any of these things and therefore we allow the enemy to steal our flag (mind)!

We get angry, bitter, and decide to lash out with our own “opinion” or nasty comment because we feel justified since they drew first blood.

Why are you continuing to put yourself in these compromising situations and keep getting yourself sucked into their game?

Turn off the News and turn on something positive!

Turn off the social media and read an encouraging book instead!

Turn off the Negative Opinions around you and surround yourself with those who are protecting their Flag!

STOP putting your MIND up for grabs to an enemy who does not care whether you succeed or not. Make a strategy to protect you from you because we have all been addicted to these forms of “Negative News!”

Who’s protecting your Flag (MIND)? If you are not, then the Enemy will win!


                                    Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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