You have 9 Seconds

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You are at an event and spot that one person you’ve been trying to meet. They are across the room so you make your way over to them to introduce yourself and hopefully get an appointment. By the time you reach out your hand, and before you’re able to say one word, they have already decided if they like you or not!

Doesn’t seem too fair does it? You have 9 seconds (some experts say it is as low as 5 seconds) to make your first impression. If this is the case then MOST decisions are made by your attire, energy, continence, and body language.

We think it’s all about our words and ability to communicate. We forget that our clothing, energy, body language and face are ALL COMMUNICATING A MESSAGE!

YOU are a Walking BILLBOARD! You have 9 seconds to connect with someone and you MUST pay attention to what happens before you open your mouth.

The human brain is amazing! It is taking in all the information around us and in seconds it processes all that data and makes a decision. The decision might NOT BE CORRECT but it becomes their first impression and that is HARD to change!

Make sure your billboard looks good before you go to work. Make sure you are dressed for success so that everyone who meets you knows you are serious about what you are doing.

Your Clothes, Face, Energy, Body Language ALL speak a message to everyone you meet. What are they saying about you?

What is it that you want people to believe about you? Make sure that it matches what you advertise each day.

Our Clothes, Faces, Energy and Body language are ALL Commercials we are running about ourselves. They are telling everyone what we believe.

What does YOUR commercial say? You have 9 seconds or less to connect!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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