It’s Never Too Late!

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I had the opportunity to meet two different businessmen about a year after our last business failure. These two men did not know each other but had a lot of similarities. They both were in their late 60’s, had failed and lost everything in their 50’s, had to reinvent themselves and start all over, and surpassed all previous success by their mid-60’s!

It’s NEVER too late to go after your dreams, goals, and aspirations! It’s NEVER too late to start! You are not too old and you have not failed too many times.  No matter what your circumstances are or have been, it’s not too late to begin a new adventure!

I would call meeting these men, at the time I did, divine intervention! I was in my 40’s and had to start all over after losing everything including our savings and retirement. To say I was depressed would have been an understatement!

They inspired me! If they could go out after losing everything in their mid 50’s and make it happen then I could too! It’s Never too late.

Your goals, dreams, and aspirations do NOT have an expiration date. They will not go bad or run out of time. The only thing that can spoil and go bad is your mind.

Your Mind, like food that needs to be refrigerated, can spoil and go bad…Realy bad! If you leave meat out for too long, it will spoil and that’s when bad things start to happen.

When we expose our minds to too much hot air – complaining, blaming, rationalizing, and excuses and gossip – it WILL SPOIL and go BAD.  You must keep your mind refrigerated by protecting it from those around you who blow a lot of hot air.

Those two businessmen also had that in common. They were very careful about who they surrounded themselves with and listened to. They kept their minds at the right temperature so it didn’t spoil.

It’s NEVER too late to begin again. It’s not too late to start today no matter your age or past failures.


                                        Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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