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Who didn’t love throwing rocks into a lake as a kid? I could spend hours throwing different size rocks into the water and watching the ripples flow towards the shore. The larger the rock, the larger the ripples and the further they would travel.

Every day we are standing in a sea of people—surrounded on all sides, and our words are like the rocks we used to throw. Each word creates ripples in the humanity around us and flows through them to others. Like rocks, not all words are the same. Some words help and others hurt, but ALL of our words create ripples!

What kind of ripples are you creating? I have a few letters that I keep and read once in awhile from friends who remarked that something I said to them helped them through some hard times. I am also haunted by a couple of friends who took their lives, and I did nothing to help them before they made the decision to commit suicide. All words have the power to bring life or death.

What kind of Ripples are you creating? Every word that helps or hurts the individual spoken to also affects those around him. Most of the ripples will go on to affect people you will never know, and some will carry on for generations! Our words can become a catalyst not only to change one individual but also affect everyone that person comes in contact with for the rest of their lives!

Remember the movie It’s a Wonderful Life starring Jimmie Stewart? George Bailey’s life starts to fall apart at Christmastime in the small town of Bedford Falls. He decides it would have been better if he had never lived at all, so his “Angel” grants his wish and shows him what would happen to everyone else without him. It’s a dramatic and startling for him to see the effect he had on his family, friends and the entire town = The Ripple Effect!

What kind of Ripples are you creating? What kind and shape of words are you throwing into the Sea of people around you? Decide today to throw only the good words at people, and watch how the Ripples change their destiny forever!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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