With ALL your Heart

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All is a very powerful word! Think about it this way: How much of your health, finances, relationships, attitude, family, and sanity do you want to have? I would bet everything that you want to Have it and keep it ALL! I rarely hear anyone say “I am okay with just enough or I look forward to having as little as possible!”

I only know of one way to have and keep it ALL…YOU must give it your ALL!

One of my favorite Scriptures is Colossians 3:23: (New International Version)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Notice it did not say whatever you LIKE doing do it with all your heart. Whatever you do, whether you like it or not, or whether you are good at it or not does NOT matter.

Somewhere along the line we have told ourselves it is okay to do just enough to get the job done. Especially if the task or job is something we do not like to do or don’t want to do. I believe we receive in this world exactly what we put into it. If you are putting halfhearted effort into your job, profession, relationships, health then we will receive a harvest of just enough in all areas of our lives!

I cannot find a single place where we are told that if we do not like our jobs, bosses, paychecks or professions that it is okay to only do it halfway or with less enthusiasm, energy, passion and heart!

Shame on us for not giving ALL our Heart to our work!

Shame on us for demanding more from others when we are not willing to give it our ALL!

Shame on us for treating our work, jobs, and professions as if we are entitled to have it ALL without giving it our ALL!

Shame on us for only giving our ALL to the things we like!


If you want ALL that your Job or Work has for you then Do it with ALL your Heart. When you treat it this way you will be amazed at what will happen to you in return.

Do Everything you do with ALL your Heart!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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