No Risk No Reward

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As I look back on my life and contemplate what was good, what was bad and even ugly I come to a startling conclusion. My failures fall into the GOOD! Please don’t misunderstand this realization. Like you I wish we never failed but that is like hoping to find your own genie in a bottle to command 3 wishes!

The real startling part of this process is that I am PROUD of those failures! Not of the process of failing, losing and at times making a complete fool of myself but that I took the risk! The times of my life that I consider ugly are the ones I did nothing. The times I decided to play it safe and obey my FEAR!

The reason I have always been a fan of Babe Ruth is because of his Strikeouts NOT his home runs! He struck out 1330 times in his career and 30 times during the time he played in the World Series. You could say Babe Ruth took a lot of risks at the plate and that resulted in 714 home runs!

Most people would much rather see a player strike out swinging the bat then watching pitches! Unfortunately too many people stand at the plate of life waiting for the perfect pitch to take the risk and swing!

I LOVE PEOPLE who take risks! I Love People who will face their fears and do it anyway! I Love People who fight against Security and Safety! I Love People who aren’t afraid to Fail. If you are one of these people YOU inspire me!

Without Risk there can be No Reward! The more you swing the bat the better you will get. Even if you become the strike out king, like Babe Ruth, you will also learn to hit enough to become a Hall of Famer!

The way you swing in life is to SAY YES! Say yes to opportunities that scare you. Say Yes to things that force you out of your comfort zone! If you will do this consistently in life you will not only have a lot of strike outs but you will become a Hall of Famer!

No Risk = No Reward. Take a swing today!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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