Forged by Fire

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George Washington was able to take a rag tag group of men and boys and turn them into a fierce fighting machine. They were Forged by Fire! In this case the fire was extreme cold, starvation, disease, sickness, lack of resources, lack of help and they were up against the strongest army in the world!

I cannot imagine the horrors this army went through in Valley Forge as they desperately tried to survive and prepare to face the British. My natural instincts are to wish that no one would ever have to go through trials but then we would be robbed of our true potential.

We do NOT grow in comfort. We do NOT grow in security. We do NOT grow when life is easy. We do NOT grow when everything goes our way. We do NOT grow when we give up.

We grow when we are Forged by Fire! We grow when we are outside our comfort zones. We grow when we fail. We grow when we take risks. We grow when we are stretched and pushed by trials.

As I look back on all my failures and challenges in life I see that they helped me to become stronger. The ones that I thought would destroy us actually became our greatest treasure!

The hottest fire produces the strongest steel! The strongest character is molded in the most difficult of circumstances. Without fire we become Luke warm and that is not good for ANYTHING!

A blacksmith will use Fire, a hammer and an anvil to take a piece of metal and turn it into a work of art! Your challenges, trials and hard times are your Fire, Hammer and Anvil. They will produce in you a work of art. Do not quit when the heat is turned up and life starts hammering you.

The Blacksmith is at work on your life to PREPARE you for your destiny.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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