Why makes your How Legendary!

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There was a time in my life when all I wanted to do was to play in the NFL. For 8 years this dream dominated every part of my life. It consumed me from the moment I woke up till I went to bed each day and governed everything I did and how I did it.

There were times I worked out when I had the flu and a fever, or was injured from a game and still went to the gym even when I was told by the doctors not to work out. My Why: wanting to play in the NFL was so strong that it controlled My how: your work ethic, skill and consistency.

In 1989 my dream of playing in the NFL ended (I was not near as good as I thought I was) and something strange happened the next day. I went to the gym the same way I had been doing for 8 years but when I laid down to do bench presses I could not motivate myself to do ANYTHING!

That was almost 30 years ago and I have not gone back to using free weights in my work outs! Your Why controls your How.

It was then that I discovered that I did not even LIKE to lift weights but for 8 years I did it with zeal, consistency and with a legendary work ethic! My why drove me to do things that I did not like to do, enjoy doing and I was not even that good at doing!

When you understand Why you are doing what you are doing then How you do it is EASY! You will not need a boss looking over your shoulder, following up on your work, or asking what you are doing. When you know why then you will only be asked to slow done or stop!

Today America losses $550 BILLION in lost productivity due to the fact that a majority of our work force does not understand their Why and therefore their How is WEAK!

Do you know Why you are doing what you are doing? Do you need to be told what to do or do you take initiative and lead regardless of your rank on the food chain?

Find out your Why and your How will become Legendary!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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