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“Charge him,” my drill instructor kept screaming at us during a simulated war exercise we were doing. We were on patrol to clear an area when an enemy sniper popped up about 10 yards from us. Our first instinct was to dive on the ground and take cover!

That’s when our Drill Instructor started screaming at us to CHARGE at the sniper! I don’t know about you, but that goes against everything in me. When someone starts shooting at you, it’s almost impossible not to run or dive for cover (even though these were blanks we were shooting).

Our instructors worked on us for a long time to get us to react the correct way…Charge at the enemy when it’s that close. We should perceive it this way – Charge: face and deal with that which scares you or makes you want to run and hide!

How many things do you face at work every day that you put off until tomorrow or try and avoid altogether? I would guess that most of us want to change something at our jobs, businesses and professions. We all have things we do not like to do and might even be afraid of facing.

We only have two options when facing something we are afraid of: Dive for cover (put it off, avoid and hide from it) or Charge at it with guns blazing (Face it head on and take action NOW).

When we delay, avoid and hide from our “Enemies” (those things we are afraid of or don’t like to do), then we invite into our lives our true enemies: Fear, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Worry, Lack of energy and eventually if you continue to avoid it you become it’s POW (Prisoner of War)!

If you want to CHANGE things at work, then you must CHARGE the things you are afraid of. Charge those very tasks that you’re afraid of and make you want to turn and run. As you face these things and take action, you will bring in reinforcements: Energy, Confidence, Momentum, Fun, Courage and a Desire to Free other POW’s!

Your Enemy is always waiting to ambush you, but if you will Charge at it instead of hiding, then you will conquer CHANGE!

Find Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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