Your Words Smell

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How desperate do you have to be to take a “Field Bath” out of your helmet, standing naked in a field in Germany when it’s 40 degrees outside? We were on a 5-day field exercise (playing war) with no facilities except what God provided in Nature.

After living in a foxhole, marching with a 50 pound ruck sack, digging, running and building defenses for 3 days, you could smell me coming from the other side of the world! I was RIPE, and so were the other 80 men who were out there with me.

I could not take the stench any longer, so I found a deserted field at 2 am and stripped down to my birthday suit. I filled my helmet with freezing water and proceeded to wash as best I could. It was one of the fastest and most uncomfortable “showers” I’ve ever taken, but it was well worth the freezing water, conditions and the potential of someone seeing me – I’m very grateful this took place long before cell phones with cameras!

My all-time favorite author and motivational guru said it this way:

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” –Zig Ziglar

When we decide to go through life without getting our daily doses of motivation, then our thoughts begin to SMELL! They start to stink just as horribly as your armpits will when you don’t bathe daily!

We think we are okay because after the first day or two we become desensitized to our STENCH, but everyone else can SMELL us coming a mile away!

YOUR THOUGHTS PRODUCE AN AROMA! They either draw people in like a good cook can with the smell of the delicious food they are producing, OR they repel people and opportunities with the foul odor of their words.

Your thoughts are expressed in the words that come from your mouth, and every word has been seasoned with your attitude, so if you have been taking motivational “Showers” every day, you SMELL DELICIOUS!

But if you have gone days without bathing your brain, then your words have the same odor as the city dump on a hot day!

What will it be for you today? I hope you decide to shower the inside just as often as the outside and produce an aroma of success.

                                                     Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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