Just Enough!

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Some time between 9th and 10th grade, I went through a big change… and it was not a good change! I used to be a diligent student who studied and worked hard to earn good grades, but something happened to my way of thinking that changed my attitude. My mom would have told you that aliens abducted her son for almost 10 years as I lived a life of “Just Enough.”

In those three years of high school, studying was not on my agenda. In fact, I would never bring books home at all. Sometimes I wouldn’t even show up for some classes. I ended up graduating by the skin of my teeth! I was okay with that and even proud of the fact that I had “Earned” my diploma by doing “Just Enough” to graduate. I believe out of 450 students who graduated, I was number 440 or so.

Just Enough is an Entitlement Disease, and left unchecked, it will rob you of everything while deceiving you that you are gaining it all. It now affects MOST people in the United States to a certain degree, and it is HIGHLY Contagious!

In case you are wondering, here are just a few of the symptoms of Just Enough Disease:

*Doing Just Enough at work to keep your job.

*Showing up late and leaving early.

*Complaining, Whining, Blaming, Making Excuses, Rationalizing and Gossiping.

*Acting busy – especially when the boss, manager or teacher is around.

*Never volunteering or accepting responsibility.

*Using your job time to work on personal tasks.

*Believing you are Entitled to any or all of the above!


My life radically changed from the Just Enough mentality when I was 25 years old because of a couple of things that took place all at once:

*My associations changed because we moved to a new area, and the people we became friends with were the opposite of the Just Enough crowd.

*With the help of my wife Rose, I gave my life to Christ – to something bigger than just All About ME!

*I accepted a Mentor. They were always around, but until you accept them, you cannot receive from them.


Just Enough will NOT go away on its own – You NEED help. Notice that each of the 3 changes I made above had to do with other people in my life. If you find any of the above symptoms in your life, then look Who you have chosen to surround yourself (Friends), Who is directing your Heart (You or God), and Who has your ears (Media or Mentors).


You can get through life doing Just Enough, but you will not have LIVED!

Find Your passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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