Take This Job and Shove It!

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I used to dream about walking into my bosses’ office and yelling: You can take this job and shove it!

I was in the Military at the time so actually saying those things out loud to my boss would not have ended well.

“Take This Job and Shove It” is a 1977 country music song written by David Allan Coe and popularized by Johnny Paycheck. It was the number one song In the Country at the time so you can bet there were a lot of people who could relate to those words.

I bet if we took a poll today most people would say they dream about saying those words to their boss and storming out of the office to a much better world!

Here is the million dollar question: Is it the JOB or is it YOU? Are the majority of bosses and JOBS that bad OR is our ATTITUDE that bad?

If I was a betting man I would bet the house that it is our poor Attitudes about our JOBS that are at the core of most of our frustrations and disappointments.

If you TREAT your JOB right it will determine how you FEEL about it and that will determine if you will be: Happy, successful, promotable, and energized, focused, and feel like you are making a difference.

Forget about your personality conflicts, what you currently make, how far you commute, or if the Job is unfulfilling. FOCUS on treating your JOB with respect and Gratitude!

If the first words that come out of your mouth are “BUT what if…” then you are too focused on your BIG BUT’s! Stop thinking, talking, complaining about the But what if’s and start thinking, talking and promoting the good you see in your JOB.

If you tell me there is no good in your JOB then your BUT has become so big it is blinding you! Go on a diet and stop eating all the bad food for your mind: Gossiping, Blaming, Complaining, Making Excuses and Rationalizing. These are HIGH SATURATED FAT FOODS! They are JUNK food for the BRAIN.

GET up today and focus on the GOOD in your JOB and watch how it changes how you FEEL about it (and how it shrinks your BIG BUT).


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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