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Icebergs are so deceiving! Only a very small percent of an Iceberg is visible and you might ASS-U-ME that all there is to see is what you see. It has been calculated that 90% of an Iceberg is under water, and that hidden part has been the cause of some tragic events (Titanic).

You and I are very similar to icebergs in that the majority of our lives are not visible to most people. That is why you hear the term “Over Night Success.” We tend to only see the 10% of a person’s life, or the moment when someone becomes “Successful” and not the 90% of the WORK that went into it.

It always amazes me when people will say things like:

You were born that way.

You are one of the Lucky ones!

You must have been in the right place at the right time.

You’re special.

I always wished I was that talented!

Some people get all the breaks.

No one ever gave me a chance like they did for you.

If I was born with your talent, I could do it also.

I don’t have the money, opportunities, talent, skill, time, or support group to do that.

We falsely ASS-U-ME that people are Over Night Success and have it easy because we only see the 10% and we make the SAME mistake the Titanic did! The best way to shipwreck your life is to only see the tip of people’s lives, and NOT the 90% hidden effort it took to get there.

You do not see:

Thousands of failures.

Years of Frustration, disappointments and at times humiliation.

The loneness of pursing a dream when everyone else thinks you’re crazy.

The lost friendships, money, time, and possibly even reputation!

There are no late night diet pills, magic potions, or people born SPECIAL!

Do what one of my Mentors told me: Work Half Days (12 hours), Work like it’s the day before vacation, Fall in love with what you do and don’t quit. Do this and you WILL grow into an ICEBERG!



                                                Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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