The One Thing

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Do you remember Curley? Not the one from The Three Stooges but the character from the movie, City Slickers. In the movie he, Curley, is having a conversation with Billy Crystal about “The One Thing.” Crystal was playing a man having what I would call a mid-life crisis, and Curley told him he had to find The One Thing if he wanted to find his life.

Billy Crystal’s character is a lot like most of us; we are going through life without a purpose, not sure WHO WE ARE or WHY WE ARE. We have no direction, no energy, and no reason to guide us! Curley’s advice works for us also – Find The One Thing! It will be different for each of us, and we will each be responsible to find it.

Back before there were sophisticated computers, GPS systems, or detailed maps of the oceans, sailors used the North Star as their One Thing to find their way. It was constant, did not move or change. You could rely on it no matter what storm you were in, and it always led you in the right direction.

Your Passion is The One Thing! It is your North Star. It will lead you to your Purpose and answer the two most important questions we all have: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE?

Your Passion is on the inside of you and waiting to be found. It will NEVER change, NEVER lead you astray, and it will NEVER fail you! You can follow it through any storm life throws at you, and like the sailors of old, you can have confidence in the outcome even when your boat is being tossed around!

Take Curley’s advice and find The One Thing… and I promise you will not have to go on a cattle drive to find it!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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