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I just witnessed a marvelous example of TeamWORK! Finally was able to make it to one of my nephew’s high school basketball games, and what I saw was astounding. These young men could teach the world a lesson or two on what true TeamWork is.

They have 15 players on their team, but only about 7 of them play the majority of the minutes. However, each of the players regardless of skill, height, and ability do everything they can for the betterment of the TEAM. Like any Team, they have stars, those players who are better skilled than the rest, but the stars WORK just as hard as everyone else on the team.

They do not have: Prima Donnas, Complainers, Whiners, Babies, Players arguing with the coach, or any form of Entitlement Mentality – which is a Cancer to any Team. Each Teammate, regardless of ability or playing time, WORKED his rear end off for the betterment of the TEAM!

My Nephew, Zach, is an excellent example of a Teammate. He does not get to play as much as the others, but he is the first one to Cheer, Congratulate, High Five, Volunteer, and perform every drill or play as if it is his last. He does this with world class enthusiasm knowing he will still NOT play much, but he does it because he is part of a TEAM, and every Team Member is essential to the success of the Team!

What if we brought this mentality to the Business world? What if we looked at our Jobs, Careers, Professions and Businesses as a TEAM. We love to complain about Pro Athletes and their lack of teamwork or their ME/ME Mentality! Why then do we bring that which we hate into the office world and rationalize that it’s different or okay in that environment?

For Teamwork to succeed, it takes WORK, and that is why we see so little of it. Many people do not want to do the WORK needed for the team they are on, for the betterment of the Team. Everyone wants to be the Star without the WORK.

If your work place is suffering from “Individualitis” then start by coming to work every day with world class enthusiasm and do every task as if it is your last, regardless of who gets the glory. That is TeamWORK, and that is what Zack and his Team do every day!

Thank you Zack and the Leigh Valley Spartans Basketball Team for reminding this Old Man what true TeamWork is!

                                         Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your life!

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