Near Sighted Vision

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For the last couple of years, I have struggled with my eye- sight. I can see distances, but anything too close is blurry. I do not like to admit this, so please do not tell anyone! It has become so bad that my wife bought me what I call “Grandpa Glasses.” To prove to her my eyesight was fine, I agreed to put them on and read the back of an aspirin bottle.

To my utter amazement, which quickly turned to anger, I could see and read the tiny print that the sadistic businesses print on the back of these pill bottles! At that point, I threw the glasses in the corner and refused to use them since I am too young to look like an Old Man!

This is very similar to what happens in our businesses, jobs, professions and careers, except we can see very close but the distance becomes blurry or completely nonexistent. We have Near Sighted Vision when it comes to work!

In Near Sightedness, we can see these things: My paycheck, My business, My job, My customers, My office, My company, My accolades, My Goals, My popularity, My promotion, My advancement, My family, and so on and so on for the rest of our lives!

Do you notice the common denominator? Of course you do because I just did to you what my wife did to me – we put on some glasses and now we can see clearly! Near Sighted Vision is ALL ABOUT ME and that will ONLY lead you to disappointment, disillusionment and discontentment.

Your Vision should go WAY BEYOND YOU and yours! What if Pastors ministered to their Cities and not just their churches? What if politicians served EVERYONE and not just a special interest or geographical area? What if business men and women served their Cities and NOT just their current Customers? What if employees served everyone and not just themselves?

What could we, our businesses and Cities become if we served more than just me, myself & I?

Put your glasses on, and look beyond your own bubble and start to serve everyone!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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