What vs. Why

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One of our sales people told us a story about what happened to him at a Mixer. He was introduced to a business owner and another competing sales person, and the business owner asked them both what they did. The other sales person said, “I sell advertising to business people.” My friend answered with, “I help businesses invest in their community, and I show them how to double their Return On Investment.” The business owner looked at both of them and pointed to my friend and said, “I’ll take you!”

This is a perfect example of the “What vs. Why” phenomenon. You have two choices: be defined by What you do… or be motivated by Why you do what you do. These two concepts are polar opposites, and only one of them is important.

What we do is a title and the focus is ALL ABOUT ME. It only answers the question, what is in it for me? If I was motivated by what I do, then it would sound like this: I am a TV and Radio sales guy. Isn’t that exciting and inspirational? Don’t you want to run out right now and sign a contract or go to work for us?

BUT… if my Motivation is Why I do what I do, the focus is on other people and it sounds like this: I am fanatical about entrepreneurs, and it is my desire to help them succeed in every aspect of their business because I have made huge mistakes before and want to help others avoid those mistakes or grow from them. I want to give those who are willing to risk everything to own their own business the tools for success. I LOVE doing what I am doing so much that I do it EVERYDAY!

Which one sounds better? Which one do you think business owners want to work with?

When we focus on What we do, we repel people… BUT when we focus on Why we do it, we connect with people. Do you know Why you are doing what you do? Do those around you know it? If not, it’s time for a focus shift.

Discover your WHY and leave the What for people who are desperate for a title!


 Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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