Clarity for your Destiny!

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I joined the Military in 11th grade in 1981 because I truly believed it was what I was called to do. In the 8 years of serving that followed, I learned one thing for sure: I HATED it! Every day I had to psych myself up to get out of bed. I was depressed, frustrated, unmotivated about life and a world class complainer!

That is why I made two radical decisions:

1st After 8 years, I volunteered to get out with no idea what I would do, where I would go or even how I would survive.

2nd I would never again do something that I did not LOVE doing in the name of security and safety.

These two decisions were the foundation of finding my Passion in life and the launch to my new pattern of getting up every day doing what I love to do. No more daily depression, frustration, unmotivated life and world class complainer. I do not have to psych myself up to get out of bed or stress about the weekend being almost over.

“Many people die at twenty five and aren’t buried until they are seventy five.” ― Benjamin Franklin.

This was me in the Military. (I love and respect the Military, but I know it is not what I am called to do).

Is this YOU? If what we do does not inspire us and drive us to become so much better, then maybe we have died on the inside.

Do you love doing what you are doing?

Are you as excited about Monday as you are about Friday?

Do you live for weekends, 5pm, vacations, holidays and lunch breaks?

Do you Complain and Blame regarding your boss, job, money, the rich, corporations, business owners or anyone doing better than you?

You do not have to live this way! Like me, you can make a decision to change.

Start by changing yourself, not your job or your boss. During my last year in the Military, I started to read and listen to motivational books and CD’s. I pursued, ON MY OWN TIME, becoming an entrepreneur. I changed who I was hanging around with and listening to.

Once you change yourself, you will see clearly the path you must take. DO NOT jump from one job to the next looking for your Passion. When we do this, the problem follows us (Me/You). Change the inside, and the outside will change because once we change our attitude, it brings Clarity to our Destiny!

    Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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