Persistence - Passion = PAIN!

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I called on a carpet store so many times that the owner finally threw me out of his store. He was so tired of me coming in every day trying to sell him and not taking no for an answer. The last time I called on him, he was so mad that he picked up the phone and dialed 911!

Persistence is one of the all-time great qualities in humanity, but left to its own devices, it can get you into heaps of trouble! I had persistence down to an art form, but without something to guide it, this great quality will actually become a liability.

Persistence unchecked will lead to restraining orders!

Once I found and understood my Passion, it changed how my persistence was received. It reversed my perspective:

Persistence focuses on what I NEED and what I WANT!

Passion focuses on what YOU NEED and YOU WANT!

Persistence is inwardly motivated: I need this sale, I need to hit budget, I need to get ahead, I need to make more money, I need to get a promotion, and I need to win.

Passion is outwardly motivated: You need this service, You need to hit budget, You need to get ahead, You need to make more money, You need to get a promotion, and You need to Win!

Passion and Persistence make an UNBEATABLE team! Passion works to connect with the other person and seeks to make it a win/win. Persistence, when motivated by Passion, will come across as people who absolutely believe in what they are doing and most importantly WHY they are doing it!

Persistence is an awesome quality and one I honor highly, but like all good things, it can become a trap if it is not directed by the correct motivation. Passion is the correct motivation and will always create the win/win scenario for you and your client/customer or relationships.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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