Feeling Good or Doing Good?

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We spend our infant and childhood years in hot pursuit of “Feeling” good. We want comfort, and we want it NOW! I need my BINKY, my blanket, some food, a nap or a new toy… and if I don’t get it, then everyone on our block is going to know about it!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to Feel Good UNLESS that is what we lead with. If Feeling Good is your North Star, that which leads you, then it will only lead you to a miserable, frustrated life.

Trusting your Feelings is like putting your life savings in the Stock Market and hoping it will all work out without ever doing any work or paying attention to the market conditions. It’s a guaranteed way to lose everything!

Our Feelings are temporal at best and extremely volatile at worst. When we live our lives to “Feel Good,” we put ourselves at the mercy of the up’s and down’s of life. We lose control and our total focus is ME!

How I “Feel” is a CHOICE and 100% MY RESPONSIBILITY!

I (and only I) can decide how I “Feel”. We are Too consumed with how we “Feel.” Instead, we should be consumed with Doing Good. When we pursue Doing Good, instead of pursuing our BINKY, that will ultimately lead to “Feeling Good.”

At some point, we all have to grow up and understand our “FEELINGS” are NOT the issue: Our ACTIONS are! The pursuit of FEELINGS is ultimately empty. We are creating generations of people who believe they are entitled to “Feeling Good,” but when our lives revolve around our “Feelings” – WE WILL NEVER FEEL GOOD.

If you want to “Feel Good,” then spend your time Doing Good… Wonderful things start to happen when you focus on others and not yourself: We grow up HAPPY and Feeling Good!

Decide today to throw away the Binky and Do Good and that will lead you to “Feel Good.”


Find Your passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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