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Passion is a hot topic these days and with that there is lots of misinformation about what Passion is. One of the biggest Passion Failures believes it’s about YOU! It is NOT about you but it was given to you to serve others.

This might not seem like it’s that big of a deal but if the destination is off by even one percent we will miss the target by an entire Continent over a life time of traveling!

Passion was not given to us to please ourselves, make money, have fun, draw people to you, energize your life, and make us happy. It will do ALL those things and many more if we understand its true purpose.

When Passion becomes all about me it will eventually rob you of all these things you thought were its true purpose. Passion directed inward (for me) and not outward (to others) becomes as destructive as any drug prescribed to help us but we use it to entertain ourselves instead!

We become very selfish and self-absorbed people and we use our Passion as an excuse to continue our self-destructive ways. Passion is NOT about you Cupcake! It is ALL about others and its true purpose is to CHANGE THE WORLD!

All of the things we like to do that we are calling our Passion are ONLY the tools to help you understand and Serve your Passion.

Most people who know me will say Radio is my Passion and that would be incorrect. I like radio and have had a lot of fun doing it for the last 25 years but Radio is only a tool to my Passion. It has helped me to serve my Passion (Entrepreneurs) better than any other tool. Radio is my hammer. It is a nice hammer and it’s my favorite hammer but it is only a hammer! A hammer can NEVER be your Passion…It is only a tool.

Look at all the things you like to do in your life and use them clues to understand who your Passion is and to serve those who are your Passion!

It’s not about me and it’s not about you! Passion is all about others and was given to you to serve them.

Passion is supposed to go through you NOT to you! Become a clearing house and not a storing house.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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