Failure is the way Forward!

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I remember the first time I was learning to ride a bike. We were living in Florida at the time and had a large back yard. (I was 5 years old so the back yard could have been the size of a closet, but it looked like a football field from my eyes.) My parents decided it would be safer to have me practice there than in the street. I left a part of my skin from my knees and elbows on every tree in our yard. I can still hear the frustration in my Mom’s voice as she yelled for me to steer around or brake instead of using the trees to stop!

Learning to ride a bike is like anything else in life; before you can move forward, you must move backwards first! Failing has a bad rap, and that is the greatest misconception. Failing is how we learn and try again more intelligently.

Even though I hit every tree in my back yard and gave my Mom a whole lot of gray hairs that day, failure was an absolute necessity for me to move forward and get better. As long as we understand the value in failure, we can use it to propel us forward in life.

Success happens occasionally, but failure happens daily or at least it should happen daily! We should stop trying to avoid FAILURE, and instead run out with eagerness and greet her in the game of life. Failure is where your treasure is hidden. It has a built in GPS to help you get to your next destination. Trying to be perfect and not fail robs you of every aspect of what success is all about.

As you learn from each failure and try again better equipped, you move forward. At first it will seem like all you’re doing is running into trees but trust in the wisdom you gain through failure to guide you through!

I have come to highly esteem people who are not afraid to fail and learn. Those people are truly living and moving forward. Failure is the way forward!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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