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I re-watched the movie First Night, starring Richard Gere, with my youngest son last night for the hundredth time. The two of us love movies about honor, loyalty and especially sword fighting! In one scene of the movie, Guinevere is telling Lancelot that his past hardships have made him what he is today: fearless, passionate and a protector of the innocent. He believed there was NO PURPOSE from his painful past, but she helped him realized his past hurts made him who he is today.

Your Purpose is Birthed Through Pain! ALL of us will face hardships, and ALL of us will decide what is birthed in us because of those hardships. We cannot avoid hardships or painful experiences in life, but we CAN use them to become something so much better, stronger and deeper!

What are the painful experiences you went through? Lost loved ones, injuries, failures, divorce, betrayal, abandonment, rejection, embarrassment or disappointments? Life has a way of allowing us to experience most of this list. Each of us will face hardships in life, and those hardships have the potential to create treasure beyond imagination!

They will birth your purpose, and people who know their purpose are the most powerful forces in the Universe! ALL greatness is birthed through our painful experiences from the past. Every great invention, service and organization was birthed out of pain. Greatness is not necessarily defined by changes that touch everyone in the world, like MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Greatness can also involve how you are changing and serving the World right around you!

Our past pains and hardships produce COMPASSION. This COMPASSION will drive us to serve and help those who are going through what we did. Your pains from your past are clues to your PURPOSE. They have made you an expert in those areas you have conquered, and you can now pass that knowledge on to others. Your pains have become road signs pointing the direction you must take. Your life experiences and pains make you who you are today and like First Knight, hopefully you’ve become fearless, passionate and a protector of the innocent!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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