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I am in the process of re-learning a very valuable lesson that I have both taught and been taught over and over for many years. The quickest way to find the things we want in life—happiness, contentment, peace, success, fulfillment and joy—is to help others find them FIRST!

It seems like this equation is backwards. The fastest way to your destination is a straight line, right? Not always. Zig Zigler is famous for teaching this principle: “Help enough people get what they want, and in the process, you will get what you want.” This sounds like a pep-talk or a saying on a motivational poster. It’s something we like to tell our kids, but to actually apply this in my own life… seems a bit extreme.

As I sit here thinking about all the times I’ve experienced this lesson, it amazes me that I still have trouble believing it will work out, and I usually have to try it “My” way before doing it the “Right” way!

This current lesson follows a similar pattern to each of my past lessons. I try to build a business by myself, focusing on myself and my goals. This process leads me to frustration, disappointment, burnout and eventually bitterness.

Then I find myself on the verge of throwing in the towel and, out of sheer desperation, I try a new model, one in which I invest in and serve people instead of myself. Sure enough, like magic things start to change! It takes some time and effort, but MUCH less time and effort than the other model will drag from you. The momentum you build by helping others becomes your strength and energy. It propels you to your own success, and everyone wins.

What areas of your life are causing you frustration and disappointment? I guarantee once you start getting involved and investing in other people in those areas, you will see some remarkable results. The best part you will find is what will happen to the other people you brought in to your circle. I have found no better pay day than to see the lives of those you are serving change for the better. The bonus to serving others first—it will change you on the inside, and you will all of a sudden FIND those illusive things we are all searching for: Fulfillment, Happiness, Peace, Joy, Contentment & Success!

Change your focus from yourself to others and watch the Magic start to happen!


Find your Passion and you will find your Life!

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