Manana Mentality is Death!

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Every day of our lives, we will face the same intersection: Do it now… OR… Do it Manana! The first choice will lead you to a life of fulfillment, contentment, confidence, energy and joy. The second choice will lead you to quit, give up your dreams, make excuses, and a life of frustration and disappointment.

Thomas Jefferson was our 3rd President of the United States, and he said it this way, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

His Vice President was Aaron Burr, and he said, “Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.”

What a contrast between these two leaders! Maybe that’s why Jefferson dropped him from the presidential ticket for his re-election campaign in favor of George Clinton.

Living in Manana is the same as buying things we cannot afford with credit cards. They both will steal from our future because of our desire for comfort today. Manana life is easy on the front end, but it will cost you everything on the back end.

When we push into tomorrow what should happen today, we begin to die a little bit on the inside, and the more we do it the easier it gets and the better we become at rationalizing why we have quit on life!

Manana sounds like this:

I am going to do that after I get a promotion.

As soon as we have this baby, I will get started.

Once I get my life organized, I will begin.

Right after my kids are old enough, I will change.

When we get our new home, I will take action.

After I deal with this medical problem, I will get started.

Once I get my web site up and running, then I can begin.

Each one of these examples is from my life and my own mouth! There have been thousands more, but I will not bore you with the details.

It will take some courage and a little self-discipline to do it today. Start with the smallest thing you have been putting off, and do it today. Begin taking action right now, and watch how things start to change on the inside as well as the outside. Action breeds confidence and energy immediately!

Manana is for people who have given up on life. Manana is death! Get back in the game by taking action RIGHT NOW!

Find your Passion and you will find your life!


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