Legal Slavery

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I’m willing to bet that you think slavery is illegal, inhumane and only found in desperate third world countries. Slavery is absolutely all of those things and so much worse, but there is a type of slavery that happens every day, right here in the United States of America, and it is LEGAL!

It’s happening all around us in our jobs, families and communities. You know people who are Legal Slaves. In fact, you might be one! I am a recovering Legal Slave; it’s been eight years since my last enslavement.

Legal Slavery is self-induced Slavery. It means I am willing to forgo my freedom so that I can keep my security. No one is pointing a gun to our heads; no invading forces are attacking our country and making us into slaves. However, self-slavery is very real.

It starts by making decisions about our lives based on fear because we don’t want to be uncomfortable stepping out into the unknown. We would rather continue doing and being something that we hate just so we don’t rock the boat or try something we are afraid of.

My last Legal Slavery lasted one year. I chose money over freedom. I was so afraid to leave the company I was working for because of the amount of money I made each month. It was more than I had ever made, and our family was able to have and do things we could never afford before.

In that year of Slavery, we made a lot of money, but in the process I lost my peace, became very stressed, could not sleep, watched my relationships deteriorate with my family, and started to become very ill.   I was not happy a single day of my slavery even though we were making great money. I like making money and I like having money, BUT I will NEVER trade my freedom for Legal Slavery again!

I would rather follow my Passion and live a life of just getting by financially than give up my freedom to play it safe because I am afraid to lose the secure chains of Slavery!

What are you settling for out of fear and being comfortable? Are you a Legal Slave? Maybe it’s time to evaluate your priorities and start shedding the chains.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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