Chief Inspiration Officer

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According to a Gallop Poll that says 70% of Americans are unhappy doing what they are doing, then we need a drastic change in our thinking! Someone in every office, Public & Private, must be the CIO = Chief Inspiration Officer!

We have more than enough CEO’s, CFO’s, owners, executives and managers. Someone, regardless of position or rank, in the office MUST be the CIO! Empty titles and empty leaders are a dime a dozen but the individual who can inspire and motivate is worth their weight in gold.

The most important position in any business is the one who can invest in the people who are around them by inspiring them to be more than they believe they can. We are in desperate need of men and women with a vision that is greater than the profit and loss statement of a company.

If our vision is about money, profit margins and selling then we are destined to create more dissatisfaction, discontentment and frustration in the work place! We already have that and now it’s becoming a national epidemic which is costing the American economy up to 550 Billion dollars per year in lost productivity!

We do not have a money problem; we have a vision problem that was created by pushing fear instead of inspiration. Too many of us have forgotten why we are doing what we are doing and go into the workforce in neutral every day.

Our jobs, professions, businesses and occupations should NOT be about money, titles, commissions, promotions or bonuses. Those things are important but they are the LEAST important of the important things!

What we do every day should be about PEOPLE! Our greatest satisfaction and fulfillment come from serving and helping people not chasing the money!

Regardless of your title, amount of money you make or position at work you must become the CIO – Chief Inspiration Officer! Inspire people and watch the magic happen in you and them!

Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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