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After the 1st Transformers movie came out, my youngest son thought every yellow Camaro was Bumble Bee! What child, including some of us 50 year old men, didn’t secretly go around opening car and truck hoods hoping to find a Transformer?

How cool would that be to have Transformers live among us! If this is true, then I call dib’s on Optimus Prime. Hold onto your conspiracy theory cupcake because I believe they do live among us!

No need to call the gentlemen in white jackets and order me a mind-numbing drug cocktail. I’m not talking about your car transforming into some massive warrior from another planet but I am talking about us!

Even cooler than having Optimus Prime or Bumble Bee in our garages, we have a real live Transformer within us! It’s not the kind of transformer that can wreak havoc on an enemy, but one that can transform an individual, family, classroom, church, business, neighborhood or even a city!

If we have it in us, then how do we transform? The answer is simple, but the application is difficult because our egos will fight us. The secret to transforming is found in the size of your vision. If we want to be a catalyst for change in these areas, then our Vision must be bigger than our Opinions!

“When our Vision is bigger than our Opinions we desire Collaboration, but when our Opinion is bigger than our Vision we desire Competition.” (This quote came about from listening to two great Visionaries: Eric Swanson author of Transform your City and Pastor Rob Litzinger of Church for Life).

A bigger Vision causes us to come together to work on common goals, but when our vision is small we shun agreement and focus on our differences. This only breeds division!

Stay tuned! Next week we will focus on some practical steps we can take to become Transformers.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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