How to be a Transformer

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“In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith, days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come, that we forsake this planet and its people.”(Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots whose Vision was bigger than his Opinion)

Are you ready to transform and be a catalyst to bring change to your family, church, classroom, job, neighborhood and even your city? Last week, we discussed how each of us has a powerful Transformer living on the inside. Today we learn some practical tips on how to be a Transformer  Autobot and not a Decepticon Transformer!

Make no mistake, we are in a war for the hearts and minds of every person on the planet. The war is over whether we will unify or divide, focus on what we want or focus on what makes us different!

Here are 3 practical steps we can do to Transform our lives:

  1. Avoid Decepticons! Life is too short to spend with people who want to divide us into segregated groups based on our differences.
  2. Learn to Agree to Disagree Agreeably! We are all different, and there will NEVER be a person that we will find who agrees, thinks and believes exactly like us. Focus on your points of agreement.
  3. Get out of your Shell. Visit, talk and fellowship with people who are different. If we only invest our time in those like us, we stunt our growth and ability to Transform!

“When our Vision is bigger than our Opinions we desire Collaboration, but when our Opinion is bigger than our Vision we desire Competition.” True Transformers continue to grow their Vision by keeping their focus on what is important: People.

Is your Vision bigger than your Opinion? If so, then the 3 steps above will be easy and your ideas will Multiply, but if your opinion is still bigger than your Vision, then life will continue to be one Division after another!


Find Your passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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