Riddle me this?

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Riddle me this: Why are you doing what you’re doing?

If this question was on Family Feud, do you know what the top answers would be?

And the survey said…

I need the money.

The benefits are great!

They have opportunities for promotion.

This is what I went to school to do.

My parents set this up for me.

Close to my home – short commute!

I have interviewed thousands of people over the last 25 years trying to find out why people are doing what they are doing, and these are some of the favorite answers. The problem is all of these answers are WRONG! They might be facts, but they should never answer the question… WHY?

Many years ago, a client owned a sewing machine store. She sold and repaired top end sewing machines and accessories. I was trying to find out why she was doing this type of work so that we could formulate her message and help change the culture of her business.

The first thirty minutes were a dismal failure. She sat there answering my questions with the same emotion a bored teenager gives when you pull them away from their video games to ask about school! Her answers were short and uninspired until we stumbled on to a side idea. She mentioned a free sewing class she was offering one night a week.

Right in front of my eyes, she transformed into a woman of passion and purpose. Her eyes were shining, the veins in her neck were bulging with action, and for the next 15 minutes she spoke without breathing. This was clearly a Dr Jeckel – Mr Hyde type of transformation!

She told me about a widow who wanted to end her life after her husband of 50 years passed. My friend was able to convince her to come to this free class once a week. Within six months, this widow’s life radically changed. She came to my friend and told her that she had saved her life! Now she had a reason to live and could not wait to engage life every day.

My friend learned that day that she was not in the business to sell and repair sewing machines. She is in the business to change lives! It’s not about the money, benefits, convenience, or what you went to school for. Our lives are fulfilled and have true purpose only when we are helping other people change their lives.

If you want to change your life then make sure you can answer the question correctly: Why are you doing what you’re doing?


Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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