Employee mentality is a cancer

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Just because I am an employee doesn’t mean I have to think, act and speak like one. My first ten years of working for someone else was dominated by what I call “The Employee Mentality”. I sounded and acted like this:

The company I work for is so cheap!

They play favorites here, and I will never get promoted!

I am going to do just enough to keep my job because that’s what they deserve!

The only time I get excited at work is 5pm, holidays, vacations and weekends!

I come in late and leave early!

I am a master at looking busy when the boss is around!

I love to complain, blame and gossip about my job and boss!

According to a Gallop poll, 70% of Americans are disgruntled with their employment, and that costs our economy up to 550 Billion dollars per year in lost productivity! The Employee Mentality is the root of the problem. If you’re unsure if you suffer from this dis-ease then record what you are saying for a couple of days. The Employee Mentality is a Cancer of the Heart and your words will reveal your heart!

The Employee Mentality not only costs the economy, but it will also wreak havoc in your personal finances. For those 10 years I spent complaining about my job, my income never made it much above the poverty level. However, once I started thinking, acting and talking like an OWNER, my income has never been the same. Being an owner simply means taking ownership of your own life, holding yourself accountable for your own thoughts and situations.

To change your mentality from an employee mind set to an ownership mind set is simple! Start today by creating a Gratitude Journal. Write a minimum of three things in the journal every day. Keep it next your bed and before you go to sleep, write three things in it for which you are grateful.

These gratitude items can be big or small. They can be from your past or what might be in your future. They key here is to change your focus from what you do not have to what you DO have! Be consistent with this every day without fail and watch what starts happening. This new mindset was a catalyst that revolutionized my life in less than six months. It will work for you, too!



Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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