Internal GPS

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One of the trainings we had to go through in the Military before being stationed overseas was a ground defense course in one of the many deserts in Texas. The last week was particularly hard for me – day and night land navigation. You are given a map, a compass and the coordinates of the location where they expected you to be in twenty four hours.

The problem was that I am terrible with directions, even under the best circumstances! This was not the best of circumstances; I had never been in a desert, used a compass or worked math like this. It was at that moment that I regretted napping in all those math classes! I eventually passed this test, but not before walking around in circles and visiting half the state of Texas!

Finding out who we are, what we are supposed to do and how to get there is a lot like maneuvering the navigation course in the Military. Most of us are walking in circles, looking at our careers with the same confusion as I was looking at that map in the desert and flipping a coin at each cross road in life to decide where to go next!

What if I told you each of us was born with an internal GPS that works the same way as the ones in your car and IPhone! It’s called Passion – you were born with it, and it was given to you as your map, compass and coordinates (minus the math problems!)

Passion will guide you to your destiny, keep you on a moral path in a sometimes dark world, will recalculate after each wrong turn to give you the shortest way back, and as a bonus provide fuel reserves to go the distance!

Let’s stop guessing which direction to take or choosing a career/profession based on outward appearances: money, title, convenience, peer pressure or location. Follow your internal GPS and you will eliminate a lot of frustration, discontent and wasted time!

Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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