I'd Rather Be Lucky Than Good?

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Maybe you have heard this before: I’d rather be lucky than good? Maybe you even uttered it yourself once or twice. I have a serious problem with this statement! Once you believe luck has anything to do with success you lose control of your destiny!

Your life becomes one big lottery because now success is a random game of chance. I am sure most of the time these words are muttered innocently because we are trying to deflect the spot light but those words are dangerous. Once that seed of doubt takes root in our minds it becomes a cancer that will grow and rob you of what you need the most: PERSERVERENCE!

Luck has absolutely nothing to do with success and is only used by people who have given up on their dreams! You and I make our “luck” by continuing to persevere when everyone else has given up and we’ve failed for the hundredth time!

This is what it sounds like to have given up on life:
They are just lucky!
They always seem to be in the right place at the right time!
They are the teachers/bosses favorite!
They are an overnight success!
They were born special!
They get all the lucky bounces!

Success is not looking down on us and rolling the dice to decide who gets lucky today! Success is not just attracted to perseverance but it hunts it down with the same intensity that a predator pursues its prey. Perseverance demands successes attention. When we refuse to give up and continue to fight through you are creating a home for success to live in!

I would much rather be good then lucky any day. We can control being good at something and therefore we can control our eventual success but we cannot control luck and therefore we have no responsibility in becoming successful. That sounds like slavery to me!

Persevere and success will find you!

Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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