3 Steps to Turn Salt water into Fresh water!

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The West Coast is once again going through a drought, and every time this happens, politicians begin to talk about building desalinization plants. Unfortunately, it’s all talk and no action. We have this huge abundance of salt water and very little supply of fresh water, but the steps to change salt water to fresh water are long and expensive. I fear that in the next drought, we will be doing the same thing: debating but never changing!

The world seems to have the same percentage when it comes to people; we have an abundance of salt (negative) people and very few fresh (positive) people. In this case, the process of changing negative to positive is simple and inexpensive!

It will take 3 steps to build your desalinization plant!

1. Protect your Gates: Your eyes and ears are the gates to the most important asset you have, your mind! We decide what we read, watch and listen to, and if we want to change we must change what gets in. Most of us invest more money, time and concern into security systems for our computers than we do for our minds! We continuously feed our minds junk food and expect to keep a positive attitude – IMPOSSIBLE! To start, steal 30 minutes a day from your entertainment time (TV, radio, Facebook, etc) and invest it in education (motivation, inspiration and training).

2. Avoid the Crabs: Negative people act like crabs! They will pull you down with their claws (words). It shows up in complaining, blaming, rationalizing, making excuses, gossiping and not accepting responsibility for their lives! Negative and positive people have one thing in common; they are both contagious. Surround yourself with positive people.

3. Find a Mentor/Coach/Trainer/Accountability Partner: Whatever name you call it, find one! This person cannot be a family member or friend because those who love you will never want to hurt your feelings, and a good mentor cares more about your future than your feelings! Choose wisely because they are contagious also. Mentors will help us apply the right steps and will hold us accountable for results. Without them, we are left with nothing but our good intentions, and look how that works for New Year’s Resolutions!
Start today or, like our politicians, you will be talking about making changes every year without ever taking the steps needed to change salt water to fresh water.

Find your passion and you will find your life!

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