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Do you look for what is different among individuals, or do you see what is similar? Is your first reaction to point out the differences: ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, finances, or political views? Somewhere along the line, someone decided it was a good idea to label people, but instead of helping matters, it has hurt. We have become a divided nation, state, city, church, business and home. Instead of growing together, we are dividing based on differences!

Twenty years ago, I decided to go after a job for which I was not qualified. It was the General Manager position of the Radio station I was working for as the Sales Manager. I did not have enough experience yet for the position but wanted to try anyway. During the interview with the owner and current General Manager, they said, “Ed, we love you and want you to stay, but you’re a white man, and a white person cannot run a Mexican Radio Station.” I knew I was not qualified for the position yet, but what did race have to do with qualifications? They made the right decision but for the wrong reason.

We must start developing the character, attitude, work ethic and personal responsibility of individuals and stop dividing people based on outward differences. Stop putting people into groups, cliques, and hyphenated niches! We are Americans, not hyphenated Americans; we are men and women, not color-based men and women. Why should I be an Italian or German American or even more narrow – a white male? If the label we use to describe people is based on color, money, language, country or gender, then we are in the business of division. Labeling people is easy, but developing individuals takes time, energy and passion. Look for the good in others or at least the good you want to see in others and develop those things.

Find your Passion and you will find your life!

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